
Manufactured stone walls: the details that make the difference

Attention to detail is the added value that makes any craftsmanship perfect, excellent and exclusive.

As Leonardo Da Vinci said, ‘details make perfection and perfection is not a detail’.
The reconstructed stone walls are made with meticulous care, paying the utmost attention to every detail, to guarantee the excellence and uniqueness that has always distinguished Pietraeco.

Shapes and colors

Aesthetic appearance, with the greatest attention to detail, is what gives reconstructed stone walls added value in any environment.
The uneven and irregular colouring of Pietraeco is done by hand to ensure the difference in tones and nuances and to enhance its aesthetic value, making it almost indistinguishable, both to the touch and to the eye, from the natural stone from which it comes to life.

Types of grout

The grouting phase and therefore the choice of the type of joint is an essential detail, capable of totally modifying the final aesthetic result of any wall realised with Pietraeco.
There are four types of joint proposed: dry joint, normal joint, full joint and over joint.


Pietraeco reconstructed stone walls are made from elements of different sizes.
Easystones are small reconstructed stones, useful for embellishing every corner of the wall, perfect for speeding up, simplifying and giving total harmony to the dry laying of all cladding models.

Tailor-made products

Rastone’s offer also includes a wide range of tailor-made products, made to guarantee maximum practicality and functionality in the application of reconstructed stones.La posa della pietra ricostruita Laying Rastone reconstructed stone involves a specific procedure, which must only be carried out with the best products designed specifically for the purpose, such as Ecocolla, Ecostucco and Ecorete.

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