Laying and grouting

− Support and fixing

Support and fixing

Ecorete supports, plugs fix. A system that together with Ecocolla guarantees
maximum sealing efficiency for unstable bottoms.

Ecorete (1) has to be drowned in a double skin coat of Ecocolla (2) end properly fixed with plugs Ecotasselli (3) 4 to 7 pieces per square meter may be required according to the product selected and the laying bottom.

− Laying on thermal insulation

Manufactured stone laying on thermal insulation

The new building technologies enables to realize houses with a lower energy consumptions both for heating and for cooling. Using innovative and high performing materials increased living comforts and reduces energy needs; lower emissions for a greater respect for environment.

However, innovation does not always go hand in hand with traditional building techniques.

Sistema Pietraeco on thermal insulation allows the laying of Pietraeco reconstructed stone to finish and integrate the external insulation systems of buildings, both where environmental constraints exist and for the creation of more traditional coatings comparable to real stone.


Laying with double spread technique

Second layer

+ tasselli

First layer

Thermal Insulation

  1. First layer of Ecocolla, specific adhesive for Pietraeco manufactured stone.
  2. Ecorete, reinforcement net (≥ 300 g/m2) drowned in Ecocolla skim coat.
  3. Mechanical fixing with proper plugs (Isotassello or Woodtassello), selected depending on laying bottom type. Drill the plug holes using an 8mm drill deep into the structure (10 mm above the anchorage) and then clean them thoroughly. Arrange the plugs on the surface in a square mesh measuring 40 cm per side (6.25 plugs/m2).
    In the perimeter areas (2 m from the edge of the building) increase the number of plugs
    to 12,50 plugs/m2.
  4. Wait 5/7 days. Second layer of Ecocolla, specific adhesive for Pietraeco manufactured stone.
  5. Laying of Pietraeco manufactured stone with double spread technique, according to the instructions given in the Technical Guide, using Ecocolla and Ecostucco specific products.

− Joints

Types of joints

Not only laying, also grouting is important. The color of grouting, the quantity in the joints and the different working technics can change completely the final aspect and aesthetic.

Dry Joint

Normal joint

Full joint

Over joint

Dry joint / Retouch

In this laying typology, Pietraeco single manufactured stones are installed next to each other. Grout with Ecostucco in case of open cracks.

Normal joint

In this laying typology, the grout is inserted for a layer thickness of about 2/3 cm, depending on the ordered model. The stone last centimetre is left empty and then the grout is pulled.

Full joint

In this laying typology, the joints are completely filled with grout. Then the grout is pulled with small trowels.

Over joint

The grout is injected over the complete filling of the joint, also placing it close to and over the surface of the stones.

Coarse grain effect

Ecostucco widens the possibilities of grouting based on processing times and, depending on how it is processed, any type of finish can be obtained, from the smoothest and most homogeneous to the coarser, typical of the charm of old natural mortars.

To obtain a much more rough and old effect, as by real ancient stone walls, you have to mix Inerte Vulcanico (Coarse grain effect) with our Ecostucco.

One 7,5 L bag with 3/8 mm grain into a 25 kg bag of Ecostucco.

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